We Are Mighty Dancers
The name Mighty Dancers was inspired by the bible verse 2 Samuel 6:14 "Wearing a linen ephod, David was dancing before the Lord with all his might." I love the image I get of David not caring about how he's dressed, who's watching, or anything else. He is so delighted in the Lord that he just can't hold anything back. He gives him all of his heart, all of his soul, all of his might.
The other part of the meaning, is that through physical exercise we become stronger and more mighty. But not only this, when we are exercising while focusing on the Lord, we are also strengthening our spirits.<\p>
You will see in many places, such as social media, the longer version #WeAreMightyDancers. This emphasizes our value of being a welcoming community. Dancing in its simplest form is just moving to music. I know you can do that. Therefore, you have the right to call yourself a dancer and to feel mighty. WE are mighty dancers!